Always activate an item by clicking on it (die, pawn, ball, new location).

Rules for moving pawns : you must always have dice points available, so you start by activating a dice to use these points.
The pawns allowed to be moved are those which have on their shirt a dot of the same colour as the active dice. The two pawns concerned can share the points and the 2 moves are totalled, adding the width and length of each move. The total may not exceed the number on the dice and these moves must be made before the ball is moved. A dice cannot remain unplayed, moving one square is enough. Unlike the ball, a pawn can leave the playing area but be in a square

Rules for moving the ball: for a shot or a pass, the dice points are used a second time. Only one of the two pawns allowed to be moved can trigger the move, provided it is next to the ball. For the direction, the straight line formed by the location of the pawn and the ball is used, including the diagonals.
The length of this trajectory, whose unit of measurement is the empty square, is equal to the number of points mentioned on the dice and starts on the first empty square. A goalpost or a pawn of the opposing team stops the ball unless the pawn is in the goal. The path of the ball can be changed when the ball reaches a teammate. All the empty squares around the pawn can be used to continue with the remaining distance. For the new direction the rules used at the start are applied, except the colour of the dot on the shirt which is free. Over a long distance several changes of trajectory can be applied. If this rule is well understood, you can deduce that passing over a teammate pawn can gain a square in the move since it is a compulsory passage over a non-empty square.
Make sure of the number of empty squares borrowed before clicking on the new location. If the length of the move is miscalculated, too short or too long, the shot or pass is cancelled and the ball stays in place.

Conduct of a match: a proposal is made or accepted.
Whoever proposes plays in blue, from left to right and begins by arranging his team of black and white on game board 1. Whoever accepts plays in red, from right to left and begins by arranging his team of black and white on game board 2, which is still empty, before selecting his opponent. He must in turn complete game board 1 on which the blue team is already in place. The blues will do the same on game board 2 before starting the match. If these rules are well understood you can deduce that neither team has an advantage.

Dice management: all sides of the dice have the same chance of being drawn. After the draw, the dice are separated, those in black and white and those with color. The least numerous, in dice or in points in the event of a tie, must be played first with the advantage of knowing the dice that the opponent will use on the same board and the opponent will receive the same draw on the other game board, here too no team has an advantage

The score: we add the goals of the 2 trays.
Duration of the match: 8 game phases for each team, 8 x 4 = 32 game phases.
Good matches.